Last Update : 08 Apr 2024

College Profile

1. Details of the institution  
Name of the Institution Kuldeepak College of Education
Date Of Establishment  
Complete Postal Address Dudwa Road, Shimla Teh. Khetri, Dist. Jhunjhunu, 332746
Phone ( With Std Code)  9413935970
Website Address
Nearest Railway Station Jhunjhunu
Nearest Town  
Type of Institution Co-Education
Status Of Institution (Minority / Non- Minority)  
2. Management  
Government Owned Not Applicable
Govt.Aided Not Applicable
Self – Finaned Yes (Self - Financed)
University Department Not Applicable
3. Details Of The Course Applied For  
Level Of Course Secondary Education
Name Of The Teacher Education Course Secondary Teacher Education Programme (Bed.)
Duration Of Course Two Year
Whether To Be Conducted In Face To Face Of Distance Mode Face To Face
Website Address
Nearest Railway Station  
Nearest Town  
Type of Institution Co-Education
Status Of Institution (Minority / Non- Minority) Khetari Nagar
4. Land  
Land Area In Sq. Mt. 3000 Sq. Mt.
Whether The Title Of The Land Is Ownership Basis Yes
Title Of The Land Is On Lease As Per Law NA
Duration Of The Lease NA
Land Use Certificate Obtained For Educational Institution Yes ( Attached Clu From Grampradhan)
5. Building  
Contruction Of The Building In Complete Yes
Building Is Yet To The Constructed NO
Buildingis Fire Safety – Proof Yes
Building Is Disabled Friendly  
Common Room For Boys / Girl Yes
Date Of Completion Of The Building  
Converted Area In Sq. Mt. 2000 Sq. Mt.
Number Of Classrooms 4
Other Facilities As Per Map
6. Library  
The Library Has Separate Journals And Reading Room Yes
Number Of Books In The Library 3200
Total Number Of Educational Journals/Periodicals Being Subscribed 5
Number Of Encyclopedias Available In Library 2
Number Of Books Available In The Reference Section Of The Library 229
Sealing Capacity Of The Reading Room Of The Library 55
7. Instrctional Facilities  
Details Of The Laboratories Available ( Pl. Attach Annexure) Annexure Attached
Arrangement Made For Practice Teaching Yes
Number And Name Of School (S) For Practice Teaching 7
8. Facilities For Games & Sports  
Own Playground Yes
Playground Of Another Institution On Sharing Basis No
Gymnasium / Multipurpose Hall Yes
Facilities For Gymnasium Yes
Facilities For Athletics Yes
Facilities For Indoor Games Yes
Facilities For Outdoor Games Yes
9. Other Facilities  
Canteen Facilities Available Or Not Yes
Medical Facilities Available Or Not Yes
Hostel Facilities Available Or Not No